"Preparing for Career in the Society"CAREERgame™ is a creative simulation program that was designed to provide an environment for participants to discover and experience the transitional process from student life to a career life in the society.
CAREERgame™ sets a stage for the individual to discover oneself & experience life ahead. As each person immerses himself in this simulation, reflection of reality sets in. Unlike traditional motivational training seminars which only stimulate one's intellectual processes, CAREERgame™ stimulates the experiential aspect that provokes the mind, body & emotions. This approach allows the individual to completely engage himself and be totally open to discover and learn. Eventually, each participant will ask, “Where am I heading in life?” and that, is the whole point of the program—an opportunity to discover what life is like in the real world out there. |
Prepare themselves academically for their career ahead
Project their career paths that suit their own personality
Polish their conduct & character for the workplace & the marketplace
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